dinsdag 26 juli 2011

For crying out loud

Photo: Meat Loaf, performer of For crying out loud"
Babies cry. Inevitably. Universally. But how and how long is certainly not universal and the notion of non-baby people about baby crying most absolutely is not universal . In industrialized societies we want to know why? for everything, and preferably a scientific why (La Haye et al, 2011, in process). And which factors contribute and if those factors are scientifically significant and clinically relevant. And if all crying is alike and if every cry needs the same reaction, and then how, and when, and by whom and for how long. And from which duration on and for which age-span it is or is not a problem. And for who is it a problem. And what can be the consequences and are those consequences scientifically significant and clinically relevant. In other societies, say the Mongolian nomads (Kamnitzer, 2011), babies cry as well. If so, mom picks him up, or someone else picks him up and brings him to mom, baby latches on to the breast. Silence. No questions. No research. No science, significance nor relevance. We could learn a lesson from that. We should do some research on it.
Kamnitzer R: Breastfeeding in the Land of Genghis Khan. InCulturalParent, 2011. http://www.incultureparent.com/2011/02/breastfeeding-land-genghis-khan
La Haye W, Engelberts AC, Tiemens IKF et al (redactie): Concept Multidisciplinaire Richtlijn juni 2011: Preventie, signalering, diagnostiek en behandeling van excessief huilen bij baby’s. http://ajn.artsennet.nl/Artikel/Concept-richtlijn-excessief-huilen.htm

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