maandag 27 december 2010

Structured baby care

Becoming a parent is one major change in any adults’ life. The care and responsibility for another and vulnerable life carries a heavy eight. Fitting in another human being with different needs and without any intellectual means of communication into a structured way of living is a very hard chore for many a parent. In their drive to assist others some health care providers answer to these dilemma’s in developing programs and structures to aid parents to care for their child in structured way, fitting into their adult life style. They fancy that what fits adults, will fit infants. For easiness sake they forget that babies are by definition not miniature adults, but beings with completely different needs for growth and development. Ignoring those innate needs of an infant for near constant human contact and frequent small meals and naps can create severe negative consequences for both physical and psycho-emotional growth and development.
Aney M: ''Babywise' advice linked to dehydration, failure to thrive. AAP News 1998 14:21
van Veldhuizen-Staas CGA: Over het huilen van baby's (1998, 2005).
van Veldhuizen-Staas CGA: Inbakeren - wat en hoe; waarom wel of niet (2001, 2005, 2006)

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