woensdag 8 december 2010


Vintage means giving old things a new meaning. Biological Nurturing is as old as (wo-)mankind en Suzanne Colson puts it forward as a new means of looking at breastfeeding. As superb as vintage styling. From the preface: ‘’ Most health professionals believe that mothers need to be taught how to breastfeed. An Introduction to Biological Nurturing describes new research evidence suggesting that mothers and babies innately know how to breastfeed, and introduces a new approach called biological nurturing. Biological nurturing is a collective term for optimal breastfeeding states and positions whose interaction release spontaneous behaviours helping mothers and babies get started with feeding. Biological nurturing is quick and easy to do. Most moms and babies automatically move into the correct positions if left on their own. The challenge for health professionals lies with understanding the releasing mechanisms and learning how to help mothers and babies do what comes naturally. This book restores confidence in nature's biological design and in mothers' innate capacity to breastfeed.’’
Colson S: An introduction to Biological Nurturing; new angles on breastfeeding. Hale Publishing, Amarillo TX, USA, 2010

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